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Hotel Ganischgerhof Deutschnofen Dolomiten Südtirol


The Eggentaler Herbst Classic is essentially a beauty contest. Here, it’s not only the spectacular vintage cars competing with the breathtaking Dolomite panoramas, but also the drivers themselves. On the one hand, because the atmosphere always brings a smile to their faces, and on the other hand, because they dress up in style for the grand finale of the Concours d’Élégance.

Once again, we captured all the emotions live. Here you can find the best photos and stories from each rally day of the EHC 2024.

Sunday to Tuesday - Relax & Rallye

If there’s one key takeaway, it’s this: three days for the Eggentaler Herbst Classic are far too short. That’s why many participants have made it a tradition to combine the vintage car rally with a longer holiday in South Tyrol, especially since the pre-event programme has plenty to offer. For example, relaxing at the hotel, indulging in the spa or tasting our gourmet cuisine. Or if they prefer guests can enjoy wine tastings of the Schreckbichl Winery at a traditional Törggelen meal at Laabalm in a rustic setting. For the golfers among the vintage car drivers, they’ve long known that Monte San Pietro boasts a breathtaking golf course with an unparalleled view. Eleven participants in the Eggentaler Herbst Classic swung their clubs this time, competing in a tournament. Lutz Scherf won, followed by Ingo Golz and Barbara Richter. In the winners’ photo, Markus Pichler, who handed out the prizes, smiled rather painfully. Partly because his back hurt, and even more so because he couldn’t participate in the tournament due to the pain.

EHC 2024 - the pre-programme

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Before the start: insider tips, culinary highlights, and charming anecdotes

It’s just a QR code on page 68 of the EHC magazine – but behind it lies something truly spectacular. Those who scan the code can see the gourmet tour recommended by rally chief Klaus Pichler around Ganischgerhof – complete with stunning Dolomite views and culinary highlights like no other. And because Klaus likes to share his insider tips with the guests, he took the drivers and co-drivers of 16 cars on this tour. After navigating some tight and steep hairpin turns, they reached Niger Pass and then took a gondola to South Tyrol’s highest panoramic lounge. In Laurin’s Lounge at over 2,300 meters, where the Rosengarten seems close enough to touch, there was espresso and cake galore. And since it’s hard to stop indulging once you’ve started, the group headed from Laurin’s Lounge straight over Karerpass to Malga Roncac for lunch, where the culinary bar for the coming days was set quite high.
Back at the hotel, there was already bustling activity in the rally office and hotel bar, with many pouring over the roadbook and its challenges.

But discussions weren’t just about vintage cars: for instance, whether Andrea Scherf could manage to crochet three more hats before the rally starts, given the rather chilly temperatures. Or what the legend of King Laurin is all about, which supposedly explains why the Rosengarten glows red in the morning and evening. Speaking of the Rosengarten: Andrea Prym shared a lovely anecdote. When asked during her first stay in South Tyrol if she wanted a room with a view of the Rosengarten, she, not yet familiar with the area, replied: “No, I’d prefer a room with a view of the mountains.”

EHC 2024 - Before the start

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Day 1: The reason why this rally is called the Eggentaler Herbst Classic

For those who’ve participated in the Eggentaler Herbst Classic in recent years, it might have seemed like the rally was confused about the season. The vintage car event around Ganischgerhof has been bathed in sunshine for years, exuding a late-summer vibe. Up until the morning, Georg Pichler was optimistic that the rain would bypass Deutschnofen – and since Georg, aka Schicky, is almost always right with his weather forecasts, hopes were high. Unfortunately, not this time. It poured at times as the 130 historic vehicles lined up at the mist-shrouded sports center in Deutschnofen for the start. Among the hardiest were Peter and Rose Klingenmeier, who, with their open Alvis Speed 25 Sport, were the first to take on the course between Deutschnofen, Obereggen, Welschnofen and Gummer. Bundled up to the top, they, like everyone else, braved the rain, the cold, and even the large puddles on the short gravel section right after the start.

The motto of the day could have been: “To drive beautiful cars, you must endure.” But at least everyone, except the curious cows along the roadside, had to deal with the weather – even the team of race director Karlheinz Schott, who took cover under large umbrellas while supervising the timed trials. The fact that, just as the last cars completed the final trial in Obereggen, the sun made tentative efforts to break through the clouds, brought only a grimace to some. But the prospect of a hot shower and the traditional Tyrolean evening brightened spirits considerably. As did the weather forecast for the next two rally days. It’s considered certain that tomorrow will bring plenty of sunshine – not just because Schicky predicts it, but also according to all other reliable weather sources.

EHC 2024 - Val d'Ega and it's Mountains

Friday, October 11, 2024

Day 2: Like Ice in the Sunshine

Desserts are hopelessly overrated. At least, if there’s the prospect of two free scoops of ice cream. After shivering through Wednesday’s prologue, the participants of the Eggentaler Herbst Classic were sweating profusely during the lakes tour. As is typical for South Tyrol, the sun was shining brightly, creating perfect conditions and good spirits for the journey over Lake Caldaro, Lake Molveno, and on to Lake Garda. The lunch stop at Hotel Sole right by the harbor was the highlight. Numerous spectators gathered around the neatly lined-up vintage cars at the Riva del Garda harbor. After lunch, the rally drivers and co-drivers lined up in front of the ice cream parlor to redeem their coupons. At least three ice cream lovers are confirmed to have climbed the sweaty steps of Torre Apponale afterwards to admire the vintage car spectacle at Lake Garda from a bird’s-eye view – and burn off a few calories in the process.

However, it’s practically a given at the Eggentaler Herbst Classic that it’s impossible to end up in a calorie deficit. Many cake plates were already full to the brim at the espresso stop at Grand Hotel Molveno – the incredibly delicious offerings were just too tempting. And in the evening, which had a “Flower Power” theme, chef Youss and his team continued to dazzle with their culinary skills. But who cares about their shape when everyone is in high spirits, with flowers in their hair and dressed in brightly colored outfits? There’s plenty of time to go on a diet after the rally.

EHC 2024 - The Lake tour

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Day 3: Grand Finale

Scandal at a classic car rally. Organizer arrested in broad daylight. That’s probably what the headline of a tabloid would read if it had observed the scene at the Concours d’Élégance in Deutschnofen up close. EHC chief Klaus Pichler was suddenly “arrested” by Florian Strasser and Annalena Möller. But, as always with the Eggentaler Herbst Classic, the highly professional media team on site ensured that this playful act didn’t cause a stir. The two had not only outfitted their BMW 2002 Alpina with flashing blue lights but also dressed up as police officers for the rally’s grand finale in the center of Deutschnofen – and promptly handcuffed Klaus after they crossed the finish line. Their creative costumes were matched by many other participants who dressed up for the final day, creating quite a spectacle for the many onlookers.

But the rally drivers were in for even more surprises in the evening. The gala dinner and award ceremony took place for the first time at the brand-new cultural center Nova Teutonica. There, chef Youss, his team, and star chef Armin Mairhofer conjured up a feast like no other. The only person who performed even more magic that evening was Friedrich Roitzsch – he’s a professional magician. He made rings and even money disappear and reappear, leaving the audience in awe. However, when jokingly asked at the table to turn still water into sparkling with a snap of his fingers, the magician had to admit that this, like turning water into wine, was beyond him. At least he now has a year to practice – until the rally scene gathers again in Deutschnofen for the anniversary event. The 20th Eggentaler Herbst Classic will take place from October 9 to 12, 2025.

EHC 2024 - Lagorai and eastern Dolomites

#ehc2024 #ganismoments
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and share your favourite EHC moments with us – before, during and after the rally! @ganischger.obereggen


The 20th Eggentaler Herbst Classic 2025 will take place from 09 – 12 October 2025.
Celebrate the anniversary edition with us at the Ganis World!

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